It is now a little over a year ago and you are not forgotten, not by myself or by some others close to me. Doing your job, just doing your job. It can be a very dirty game going to work along side of politicians who take more notice of mining companies than they do their constituents.
Paul Lockyer ...John Bean and Gary Ticehurst
ABC DEATHS at Lake Eyre
Worker's are copping it from everywhere now, and if they kick up a stink about anything they are severly dealt with, and dealt with by Police as was evident this week in Melbourne where the company Grogan were able to use Police to accompany approximately 30 workers on site past a blockade of workers who were striking and who had been attacked by police earlier this week and capsicum spray used and tazors against workers for striking. I would say the country is in crisis with this happening to workers and people being forced from their land by bully governments. Another example of government corruption in high places is in Western Australia right now.
W.A.'s Indigenous Workers get fully shafted:
The West Australian Government is under fire over its compensation offer to pay lost wages to thousands of the state's Indigenous workers.
In March, the state government announced a six-month time period for former workers to apply for wages withheld by the government in what has become known as the stolen wages case.Between 1905 and 1972, the government withheld up to three-quarters of the wages earned by workers on state-run Native Welfare Settlements.
'Absolute insult'
"I think it’s a disgusting amount and I think it’s an absolute insult to families, many of whom have worked across generations, to be offered $2,000 as full payment," she said.
"If we look at the mineral wealth of WA, I think their 2011-2012 income from mining royalties alone was $4.68 billion, according to the website.
"That $2,000 represents less than three days’ salary of the minister, so you’re looking at a pathetic crumb in the back of the cupboard, you’re not looking at any sort of dignified response to right such a horrendous human rights abuse."These people worked from daylight in the morning till dark at night, just for clothing, food and a bit of tobacco? How do you put a figure on the suffering they went through?Steve Carter
But Mr Collier has defended the compensation offer.
"Look I can understand why some people will be critical of the amount that was provided," he said.
Further ReadingYou’re looking at a pathetic crumb in the back of the cupboard, you’re not looking at any sort of dignified response to right such a horrendous human rights abuse.Dr Ros Kidd
What I think personally...
This is all very similar to the FORDE Foundation handout in Queensland for the forgotten Generation - those who were subject to the inhumane care of children in institutions in QLD, of which I got nothing and of which I knew nothing about at all.
Of which I am still very bitter about considering my family knew all about it and told me nothing and for that they are not my family at all! They are empty universes and their planets have been smashed by huge celestial events inside of their very bodies, and so therefore I wash my hands of them too!
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